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Connections PLUS+ for  Regional Councils

Offering Solutions

Profile Development Stage

Each PLUS participant will develop a profile on their regional council that describes how they certify, develop, connect, and advocate for their stakeholders.  The profile enables regional councils to talk intelligently with senior executives regarding the regional council's value proposition.  The profile development exercises help regional council leaders better understand their corporations' procurement and identifies needs to be addressed from the corporation's perspective.


Assessments Stage

During the Assessment Stage, each PLUS participant will participate in a best practices assessment that will quantity goverance strengths and weaknesses at their regional council.  This stage defines the components of good governance, i.e. best practicies, and graphically identifies opportunities for continuous improvement.


As Is Analysis Stage

The Assessment Stage data is compared to cohort data of other regional councils.  The As Is Analysis considers the characteristics of regional council maturity and helps participants weigh options for process changes.  This stage also helps the regional council leader determine which actions will enhance their operations and strengthen their professional expertise. 


Implementation Plan Stage

Based on the goverance data from the cohort of corporations in the As Is Analysis Stage, participants will be guided through best practices recommendations from the National Minority Supplier Development Council regional board chairs.  Participants will develop an implementation plan that pays particular attention to process changes that can reasonably accomplished in the near term. 


Enhancement Actions Stage

In this stage, a model that aligns goverance best practices with actions of key stakeholders will be introduced.   Actions around executive alignment, outreach, capability matching, capacity building, supplier development, and compliance reporting wil be implemented.  

Iron Sharping Iron Process

Implementing supplier diversity processes at major corporations is no easy task-- this is why corporations need help. Regional councils are a resource to help corporations enhance their supplier diversity initiatives.  As a regional council leader, Connections PLUS+  will help you:


– Enhance your council's ability to help corporations manage their supplier diversity data

 Increase your council's understanding of today's corporation purchasing environment, strategies, and processes

– Improve your council's governance, accountability, and transparency practices

– Systematically discover supplier diversity best practices and their functions, features, and benefits

– Become an expert in implementing supplier diversity best practices in a controlled and supportive environment

– Identify new value-added services that your council can offer corporations that are implementing supplier diversity initiatives

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