Accelerate for Suppliers

Making it Happen
Iron Sharping Iron Process
Today's procurement environment is complex – this is why understanding it is so important. Supplier diversity teams are a resource to help diverse suppliers enhance their business development initiatives. As a diverse business, Accelerate will help you:
Enhance your go to market strategies
Increase your understanding of today's corporation purchasing environment, strategies, and processes
Improve your organization's capacity to deliver on promises
Systematically discover business best practices
Identify new value-added services that your company can offer corporations that are implementing supplier diversity initiatives

Profile Development Stage
Each Supplier Accelerate participant will develop a profile on your company that describes your products and services. The profile enables corporations to evaluate your value proposition. The profile development exercises help you better position your value proposition based on expressed needs from corporations.
Assessments Stage
During the Assessment Stage, each Supplier Accelerate participant will participate in a best practices assessment that will quantity business strengths and weaknesses at their firm. This stage defines the best business practices, and graphically identifies opportunities for continuous improvement.
As Is Analysis Stage
The As Is Analysis considers the characteristics of business maturity and helps participants weigh options for process changes recommended by RGMA, a leader in supplier diversity. This stage also helps the diverse firm determine which actions will enhance their operations and strengthen their professional expertise.
Implementation Plan Stage
Based on results from the As Is Stage, participants will be guided through best practice recommendations from RGMA and feedback from procurement executives in the program. Participants will develop an implementation plan that pays particular attention to process changes that can reasonably accomplished in the near term.
Enhancement Actions Stage
In this stage, a model that aligns business best practices with actions of key team members will be introduced. Actions around executive alignment, customer relationship management, business modeling, project management and compliance reporting will be implemented.